Information keeps trickling in. Today I learned that I will be living on the island of St. Kitts and working in the Department of Gender Affairs. Do I have a clue what that entails - no! But it sounds interesting. I even have a mailing address to where I can ship the rest of my stuff.
I've attached a picture - pre-packing. Any ideas as how to get all of this into 2 duffel bags, one large backpack and one carry bag and have it all be under 80 lbs. The large box that the clothes are resting on is the box of stuff I'm shipping - flippers, books, winter clothes, shoes! I have found a Forum online of very kind and helpful folks who live on the island who have been more than willing to answer all of my questions. They tell me that food is the most expensive item on the island so all visiting friends and family should be prepared to bring my favorite nibbles when they come visit. The most craved item that those that live there have brought to them - canned tuna fish! Did learn that there is a brand new cinema multi-plex set to open in the Fall which will show first-run movies and that there is a lending library at one of the bars where the ex-pat community hangs out.
No nibbles on renters for my house as yet - so all of you start saying little prayers that it will rent soon. Don't forget, my email remains the same and you can leave notes and access my email directly from this blog site - just click on My Profile. If I can access my Vonage phone, like I'm told you can, then anyone in the States can just pick up their phone and call me in St. Kitts - the same as if you were calling me here at home - and visa versa. Same number, no charge. Will let you know when it's up and running.
Thanks for all the great emails and well-wishes.
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