That's right, we are now 1/2 way through our 7 weeks of training classes. We had mid-training reviews with our Country Director on Friday. It was nice to learn that she thinks I'm doing okay.
This past Tuesday I finally got to meet with the guidance counselor at the high school whom I will be working with for at least the first 6 months of my stay. She is a fabulous young lady. Born, raised and educated in Toronto by a Kittian mother who is now one of this country's ambassadors. When she finished her education, she chose to return to the island, to not only be near her mother, but to also put her education to work in the schools here. She not only does one-on-one counseling (which here is a whole lot more than trying to decide what you want to do once you've graduated) but also work with youth in crisis, monitor teenage mothers returning to the classroom, and even step in to break up physical fights that break out on a regular basis.
I spent my time with her taking a tour of the school which includes a pat-down and bag check at the gated entrance and new, high brick barricades to keep gang members from -scaling the walls and getting in. Sounds like any big-city school in the US. I met the teachers who head up the business track students and even the principal. I will eventually be working with their Junior Achievement group, which at the moment is on hiatus because that teacher is due to deliver within the next few weeks.
On Thursday I met with Maurice Widdowsen, owner and founder of Caribelle Batik, rejuvinator of Romney Manor and the soon-to-be renovated, adjacent Wingfield Estate grounds. Be sure to click on their link on the side - the fabrics are fantastic! Oh - and he also owns Island Hopper, the islands only up-scale clothing store. What a treat. Once he realized that I was going to be here for 2 years, he asked if I would be interested in working on the new marketing plan for Wingfield. It's the oldest European-built settlement on the island. Mr. Widdowsen is excited about being able to open this wonderful piece of island history to the general public some point in 2009. He has lived in the Caribbean for 30 years and employs a large number of locals in all of his businesses. It would a great pleasure to be able to help him see this latest vision come into fruition. Wingfield Manor is the oldest (1685) European establishment on the island. Christopher Samuel Jefferson was first owner of Wingfield, deeded to him by King George, and is the great, great, great grandfather of Thomas Jefferson. Romney Manor first appears on a map in 1735 but was built earlier when Sam Jefferson sold off some of the land to the Earl of Romney and he built his own manor house.
On Saturday we had a great, big spaghetti dinner at Ed & Georgia's home in Bel Vue. It was a long, and terribly dangerous, taxi ride from downtown. Have I mentioned that taxi drivers think they're Jimmy Johnson or Mario Andretti? You really are taking your life in your own hands when you step into one of these 15-passenger mini-buses - our only transportation option other than our own feet for the next 2 years.
During the drive on the way out we missed a head-on collision with a huge truck by literally inches when our bus driver didn't want to go through a recent rain puddle and swerved around it - into the path of the truck. And coming back in the dark was even worse. Just as we are getting closer to town, a huge pig waddled across the road in front of our bus that was going at least 55-60 MPH. The driver swerved, I think caught the pig on the snout, and thank goodness, no one was coming at us in the opposite lane, otherwise...we and the pig would have been mush!
But back to dinner. All the on-island PCV's were there along with us 'newbies.' Ed and Georgia's house literally sits on an ocean-side cliff with a fantastic view and a great breeze. They are an older couple (50's) from the West coast. He ran an ER and she is a licensed acupuncturist. She works in the schools (just finished setting up a library at the local grade school) and he teaches ER nursing at the local college. It was nice to talk to everyone outside of class and the food was delicious. Spaghetti and meat balls, homemade red sauce, huge tossed salad, garlic bread - total yum. First really 'American' meal we've had since we arrived - unless you count the kids doing a Domino Pizza night or stopping into KFC for a piece of chicken.
Today is Sunday. Have I mentioned the church really isn't church unless the service runs from 2 - 2 1/2 hours? Today I skipped and stayed home to study for a big written test we have tomorrow afternoon. I can't remember the last time I had to take a written test, other than when I got my NC drivers license. I'm scared to death. I find I just don't retain details like I used to and haven't a clue what the PC will do if you flunk.
Let's see - what else did I do this past week? Oh - Oliver took me along and I joined the St. Christopher Chorale. A wonderful, non-demoninational choir made up of men and women with beautiful voices, who perform at 3-5 large events throughout the year. The choir director is a Scottish woman who is extremely talented and has a great sense of humor. This will be fun!
And - I found out where I will be living once we leave our homestay families. I'll right downtown in one of the island's tallest buildings - 4 stories. I haven't seen the inside yet, but did walk around the entire building. Looks as if there are 4 apartments on each floor, each with their own balcony and lots and lots of windows. The front side overlooks the mountains and the backside the bay. No, don't know which one I'll have, but do know I'll be on the top floor. I got the biggest laugh, after chatting about my continuing fight with bugs and bites and constant itching with the PC medical officer, when she said once I move I won't have to worry about that any more because bugs don't fly up as high as I'll be! Okay:)
Well, time to study some more, watch a little golf and have another big Sunday dinner. Don't know if I mentioned I've lost 15 lbs. since I arrived on-island. Lots of walking, but even more sweating and most of the time, it's just too hot to be hungry. So all the clothes I brought with me are lose and some even falling off. So all in all, a great week.
Take care of each other -
Pixs this week, in order are:
-The 'kids' hanging out on Ed & Georgia's porch before dinner
-Me on the ledge over Black Rocks - just past Ed & Georgia's house
-A fun a colorful 'bar' on the edge of the cliffs of Black Rock
-A rain shower coming over the mountain
-A beauiful rainbow after the shower